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    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-07-23


    Post  corey88 Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:14 pm

    I can help people and do any thing that a GM/Admin can do - i know all the commands and here are 20 of the normal rank A of a GM

    1: .ch fly
    2: .mod speed
    3: .mod hp
    4: .mod mana
    5: .debug water
    6: .debug land
    7: .kill
    8: .npc spawn
    9: .npc respawn
    10:.rec p (stormwind - and city - any place)
    11: .revive
    12: .lookup item
    13: .lookup object
    14: .lookup spell
    15: .lookup creature
    16: .server
    17: .gm on
    18: .gm off
    19: .ann (a message to the hole server)
    20: .wan (a message to the hole server)

    and here are 20 Admin commands

    1: .server restart
    2: .server shutdown
    3: .account mute
    4: .account level
    5: .account unmute
    6: .info
    7: .gm on
    8: .gm off
    9: .char additemset
    10: .char additem
    11: .char learn
    12: .char learnsk (sk = skill)
    13: .char unlearn
    14: .char removeitem
    15: .npc del (del = delete)
    16: .go spawn object
    17: .go sel (sel = select)
    18: .start
    19: .npc spawn
    20: .gm list

    these are the one i will give u guys to know that i am a good person to be a gm or admin on ur server and i made 5 -7 server before and i been a gm on 4 servers - two are all gm servers - i got promoted and i was a gm on underworld and a gm on replay-wow

    and i was born 7/16/??

    do not wanna be jug because of my age!

      Current date/time is Tue Nov 26, 2024 10:06 pm